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dedicated servers

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Homepage/ Storage Solutions / Dedicated server

Renting dedicated servers 2024

We offer renting servers in all possible configurations worldwide. Specifically, you can find dedicated servers in Israel, France, Germany, United States, Singapore, Amsterdam, and more.

Fully managed dedicated servers offer these specifications, which are just a small part of the available configurations in stock. In order to tailor the dedicated server to meet your specific needs, we recommend contacting a sales representative via live chat or by phone.

business continusly

Monitoring and control

Control Panel

A control panel to self-manage your server

In addition to the full management you receive from us, you have the option to manage the server at any given moment. Furthermore, you will have access to full statistics, server startup, operating system installation, IP address management, safe mode access, and more.


Virtualization and operating systems

All operating systems are available for installation on your dedicated server. Additionally, if you are interested in dividing the server into several virtual servers, no problem—choose the virtualization option that suits you.

Speed, performance and attack protection
at the highest level


Monthly price


Monthly price


Monthly price


Monthly price


Monthly price


Monthly price


Monthly price

Dedicated server rental in Israel
Exclusive protections and symmetrical bandwidths

* prices do not include VAT

All servers are fully managed.
For other specifications or to modify the specifications in the packages displayed on the website, please feel free to contact us by phone.
Each server comes with one IP address, addresses can be added for a fee. The cost of each private address is NIS 20 per month including VAT.
The servers come with an open connection 300Mbps – 1Gbps | The connection assigned to you is 20Mbps, if you need more, you must upgrade with a sales representative.
Additional tools and installation configurations or infrastructure can be added on demand such as hardware firewalls, KVM for control.
We can provide any hardware and configuration that your business needs, including any required bandwidth. Therefore, please contact us and we will be happy to accommodate your needs.

Managed dedicated servers in Europe, the United States and Israel

Dedicated servers assembled and customized according to your needs
In Europe, the United States and Israel

  • If you need larger and more complex servers, contact a representative, we have all possible configurations
  • V2/V3/V4 all types of processors are present
  • :Memories
    16GB / 32GB / 64GB / 128GB / 256GB / 512GB – DDR3/4
  • :Up to 36 hard disks per server
    1-4TB SATA / 1-6TB SAS 7.2K / 480GB / 800GB SSD Intel / 600GB SAS15k / PCIe 1.6TB NVMe / PCIe 450GB NVMe / Intel NVMe DC P3700 SSD
  • 1GBPS – 10GBPS :Vrack private network
  • 100MBPS – 10GBPS: per-server connection
  • Nvidia GRID K2 Card :Graphics cards
  • Traffic Unlimited suitable for any purpose streaming, downloads or any other option. You can use the line without restrictions
  • Hardware firewalls and a variety of devices
  • Up to 265 IP addresses per server from many classes and in different routes
  • Failover IP’s / Soft/Hard RAID / Load Balancing / NAS 10GB to 26.4TB RAID10 on 44 disks

Additional features


Delivery between 1-72 hours


Full migration and management service

Separate backup server